Middle Alabama Corvette (MACC) show - Birmingham AL - Overnight trip

8/23/2024 01:30 PM - 8/24/2024 10:00 PM

CCA attended event . Leave Friday am, one night stay, return late Saturday. Go to www.midalcorvetteclub.com and register your car NOW. Indoor event only has room for 50 cars. Hotel detail to follow

Go to their web site and complete the registration for your car. This event is indoors for the first 50 cars, otherwise you park outside the building.   So get the registration done asap. It's is a price of $60, but hey, you get a T-shirt. Last year CCA cars earned numerous 


I called the hotel, Marriott-Trussville, Ala.  and they had no clue what I was talking about.  I contacted MACC, they had not set up the hotel yet!!!.  Geeez, you release a flyer, and it has no hotel info on it, and even if it did, the hotel is clueless.  MACC will let me know when we can call the hotel for the night of Friday 8/23, as we return late afternoon of the 24th

Again, don’t wait if you are leaning on going.  Those 50 spots will go pretty fast.   Watch for more detail on the rooms.

Rod Witmer