Corvette Expo & Chevys in Smokies Pigeon Forge TN

3/13/2025 12:00 PM - 3/15/2025 09:00 PM

Not a CCA event - info only. Great event if you’ve never attended. Hotels are already booked full or rates are very high as of Feb 10. The Holiday Inn Suites has a walk bridge across the creek so you can walk to your room if needed during the day while your Corvette is in the show lot. If you desire some 1st hand info contact Harry Taylor with CCA. Vicky and Harry have attended 2023 & 2024 Expo. Several folks from our sister club Lanier Corvettes (Gainesville GA) have attended the last 2 years.

Info click here

Registration form or phone number

Paypal payment adds 3.5%
You can mail a check or pay over the phone to avoid the fee.

They raised the registration price this year to $80 per car. Includes all 3 days to show your car. If you want to show just one day you can pay $20 per person to show your car and have tickets into Le Conte for the one day. Pay on-site 

Also I note it’s not just Corvettes this year as it is Corvette Expo but also ‘Chevys in the Smokies’ so anything Chevy will be there. They extended the use of the full Le Conte parking lot to accommodate 500 additional vehicles than previous years. They expect 1,500 cars on display this year.

The host hotel is Black Fox Lodge. 865-774-4000. Fully Booked now as of February 

Another option
Holiday Inn Suites Hotel
2905 Parkway, Pigeon Forge, TN 37863
Update: not many rooms left and is very expensive now at $435 per night as of Feb 10 when I called.

Good luck finding a hotel at a reasonable price at this late date mid-Feb.