2026 Booking for current and past Vette Cruise guests is open now. 2026 Booking for Wait listed guests will open on March 2. We will update the website to have our registration system open. Anyone can book at that time, but priority will be given to waitlisted guests in the queue. You can still get on the waitlist at vettecruise.com - questions can be sent to Eric Jacky at eric@setsailnow.com
2026 Booking for current and past Vette Cruise guests is open now, email me or call and I will get you setup. We will also take bookings onboard in a couple weeks.
2026 Booking for Wait listed guests will open on March 2. We will update the website to have our registration system open. Anyone can book at that time, but priority will be given to waitlisted guests in the queue. You can still get on the waitlist at vettecruise.com
Vette Cruise can ONLY be booked at vettecruise.com, you cannot book Vette Cruise with the cruise line directly, or your friend who might be a travel agent. You can certainly book space on the ship with them, but you will not be part of our events. This is a special event trip and we manage all aspects of our guests experience.
We are are going out of Galveston, Texas and will have a hotel package for the night before (let us know if you want to come in earlier)
Space will be limited. Right now we have roughly 125 cabins, mostly with 15 Inside/Ocean View cabins.
If you want something outside of our group allotment, we can do that, just need to know what you'd like. Group pricing will not apply.
Travel Insurance is highly recommended. We are a year plus out, things happen. Travel insurance has saved the bacon of several of our guests the past two years.
We are looking forward to our 3rd Annual Vette Cruise vacation! We gotta get through 2025, which has 230 guests and 3 guest speakers! It will be foot to the floor booking starting March 2!